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Bee Network - Free APK Download - Play and Earn Crypto on Your Phone

Bee Network Download APK: How to Join the Web3 World with Your Phone

Have you ever dreamed of being part of a new and exciting digital economy? Do you want to earn cryptocurrency without investing any money or using any complicated hardware? Do you want to join a thriving community of like-minded people who share a common vision for the future of the internet? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should download Bee Network APK and start mining bees with your phone.

What is Bee Network?

Bee Network is a phone-based digital currency that aims to create a decentralized and collaborative web3 world. It was launched in December 2020 and has already attracted over 24 million users worldwide, who all call themselves Beelievers. Here are some of the features that make Bee Network unique and innovative:

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A phone-based digital currency

Bee Network is different from other cryptocurrencies because it does not require any expensive equipment or high electricity consumption to mine. All you need is your phone and an internet connection. You can mine bees by simply tapping a bee icon once every 24 hours. The more active you are, the more bees you can earn. You can also increase your mining rate by inviting your friends and family to join Bee Network using your referral code.

A collaborative community of Beelievers

Bee Network is not just a digital currency, but also a social network. You can chat with other Beelievers, join teams, participate in events, and share your ideas and feedback. You can also contribute to the development and governance of Bee Network by voting on proposals and suggestions. Bee Network is built on the principle of spontaneous collaboration, where everyone can benefit from each other's efforts.

A portal to the Web3 world

Bee Network is more than just a digital currency, but also a portal to the Web3 world. Web3 is the next generation of the internet, where users have more control, privacy, and ownership over their data and assets. Bee Network aims to provide an easy transition from Web2 to Web3 by introducing features such as smart contracts, decentralized applications, non-fungible tokens, and more. You can use your bees to access these features and explore the possibilities of Web3.

How to Download and Install Bee Network APK?

If you are interested in joining Bee Network, you can download and install the app on your Android device in a few simple steps:

Download from Google Play Store or APKCombo

You can download Bee Network APK from either Google Play Store or APKCombo. Google Play Store is the official app store for Android devices, where you can find millions of apps and games. APKCombo is a website that provides free APK downloads for Android apps and games. You can choose either option depending on your preference.

To download from Google Play Store, simply search for "Bee Network" in the store and tap on the app icon. Then tap on "Install" and wait for the app to download and install on your device.

To download from APKCombo, go to [Bee Network APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo](^1^) on your browser and tap on "Download APK". Then tap on "OK" when prompted to download the file. Once the file is downloaded, tap on it to install it on your Install and launch the app

After you have downloaded the Bee Network APK file, you need to install it on your device. To do this, you may need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device settings. This will allow you to install apps that are not from Google Play Store. To enable this option, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on. Then, go to your file manager and locate the Bee Network APK file. Tap on it and follow the instructions to install it on your device.

Once the app is installed, you can launch it by tapping on the Bee Network icon on your home screen or app drawer. You will see a welcome screen that introduces you to Bee Network and its features. Tap on "Continue" to proceed.

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Sign up with your phone number and referral code

To join Bee Network, you need to sign up with your phone number and a referral code. Your phone number will be your unique identifier in Bee Network, and your referral code will determine your mining rate and team. You can get a referral code from someone who is already a Beeliever, or you can use the default code "bee" if you don't have one.

To sign up, enter your phone number and tap on "Send verification code". You will receive a text message with a 4-digit code. Enter the code and tap on "Verify". Then, enter a referral code and tap on "Confirm". You will see a confirmation screen that shows your mining rate and team. Tap on "Start" to begin mining bees.

How to Earn and Use Bees?

Now that you have joined Bee Network, you can start earning and using bees. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

Tap the bee icon once every 24 hours

The easiest way to earn bees is to tap the bee icon once every 24 hours. This will activate your mining session and allow you to mine bees at your current mining rate. You can see your mining rate, balance, and team on the main screen of the app. You can also see how much time is left until your next mining session. You can increase your mining rate by inviting more people to join Bee Network using your referral code.

Invite your friends and family to join

The more people you invite to join Bee Network, the more bees you can earn. You can invite your friends and family by sharing your referral code with them. You can find your referral code on the main screen of the app, under the "Invite" tab. You can copy it or share it via social media, email, or text message. You can also scan or generate a QR code for easier sharing.

When someone joins Bee Network using your referral code, they will become part of your team and increase your mining rate by 25%. You can have up to three levels of referrals in your team, each giving you a 25% boost in mining rate. For example, if you invite A, who invites B, who invites C, you will have a total of 100% + 25% + 25% + 25% = 175% mining rate.

Exchange bees for goods and services in the Bee Marketplace

One of the ways you can use your bees is to exchange them for goods and services in the Bee Marketplace. The Bee Marketplace is a platform where Beelievers can buy and sell products and services using bees as a medium of exchange. You can find various categories of items in the marketplace, such as electronics, fashion, health, education, travel, entertainment, and more.

To access the Bee Marketplace, tap on the "Marketplace" tab on the main screen of the app. You will see a list of featured items that you can browse or search for. You can also filter the items by category, price range, location, rating, or keyword. To buy an item, tap on it and contact the seller via chat or phone call. To sell an item, tap on the "+" icon and fill in the details of your item. Why Should You Join Bee Network?

Bee Network is not just another digital currency, but a revolutionary movement that aims to create a more fair, inclusive, and sustainable web3 world. Here are some of the reasons why you should join Bee Network and become a Beeliever:

It's free and easy to use

Bee Network does not require any investment or technical skills to join. You can start mining bees with your phone for free, without any risk or hassle. You don't need to worry about security, privacy, or compatibility issues. You can use Bee Network on any Android device with an internet connection. You can also access your account from any device by logging in with your phone number.

It's fun and rewarding

Bee Network is not only a way to earn digital currency, but also a way to have fun and make friends. You can enjoy the gamified experience of mining bees, inviting referrals, and joining teams. You can also chat with other Beelievers, participate in events, and win prizes. You can also exchange your bees for various goods and services in the Bee Marketplace, or save them for future use.

It's a gateway to the future of the internet

Bee Network is not just a digital currency, but a portal to the web3 world. Web3 is the next generation of the internet, where users have more control, privacy, and ownership over their data and assets. Bee Network aims to provide an easy transition from web2 to web3 by introducing features such as smart contracts, decentralized applications, non-fungible tokens, and more. You can use your bees to access these features and explore the possibilities of web3.


Bee Network is a phone-based digital currency that aims to create a decentralized and collaborative web3 world. It allows you to mine bees with your phone for free, invite your friends and family to join your team, and exchange your bees for goods and services in the Bee Marketplace. It also provides you with a portal to the web3 world, where you can access features such as smart contracts, decentralized applications, non-fungible tokens, and more. If you want to join Bee Network and become a Beeliever, you can download Bee Network APK from Google Play Store or APKCombo and sign up with your phone number and referral code.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Bee Network:


What is the value of one bee?The value of one bee is not determined yet, as Bee Network is still in its early stage of development. The value will depend on various factors such as supply and demand, market conditions, user adoption, and more. The developers of Bee Network plan to launch a phase 3 of the project in 2024, where users will be able to trade their bees on an exchange platform.

How can I increase my mining rate?You can increase your mining rate by inviting more people to join Bee Network using your referral code. You can have up to three levels of referrals in your team, each giving you a 25% boost in mining rate. For example, if you invite A, who invites B, who invites C, you will have a total of 100% + 25% + 25% + 25% = 175% mining rate.

Is Bee Network safe and legit?Bee Network is safe and legit, as it does not require any investment or personal information from its users. It only uses your phone number as your unique identifier in the network. It also does not consume any battery or data from your device, as it only uses minimal resources to run in the background. Bee Network is developed by a team of experts from various fields such as computer science, engineering, finance, marketing, and more.

What is the difference between Bee Network and other phone-based cryptocurrencies?Bee Network is different from other phone-based cryptocurrencies because it has a unique vision and mission to create a decentralized and collaborative web3 world. It also has a strong community of Beelievers who support each other and contribute to the development and governance of the network. It also has a gamified experience that makes mining bees fun and rewarding.

How can I contact the support team of Bee Network?You can contact the support team of Bee Network by sending an email to or by filling out the contact form on their website [Bee - Contact Us]. [ You can also join their official Telegram group [Bee Network Official Group] or their official Facebook page [Bee Network] to get the latest updates and news about Bee Network.

I hope this article has helped you understand what Bee Network is and how to join it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy mining! 44f88ac181

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